PausaCENTRO is located at the heart of the Sico, which boasts an incredibly diverse and rich natural heritage.
At the edge of the Sico limestone massif, the landscape is that of limestone bluffs, striking hills, & pleasant pastures. Much of the land is still used today for the production of Olives, Grapes, & cheese.
In the spring it is a glorious display of flowers which seem to burst from every field, wall, & riverbank.
A stroll along the Caminho da Santiago, which meanders through the Olive groves following the Rio Mouros
is well worth the time. Pass by ancient villages that seem to have been forgotten by time.
See the goats & sheep that produce the milk for the famous Rabacal cheese.
See the Eagles soaring overhead as you pass by Juromelo.
We have witnessed some amazing nature here, from Fireflies in the warm evenings of June, to Skop owls, Nightingales, Barn owls, Wild boar, Snakes (they are more afraid of you) to Praying mantis,
amazing Swallowtail butterflies, & much much more.
Truly a nature lovers paradise.

Vale das Buracas do Casmilo
These caves were carved out of the limestone millenia ago, by raging underground rivers.
Water then carved a deep gorge to expose the cave mouthes which hang on the sides of the cliffs.
populat with Hikers, Mountain bikers, Climbers and photographers, these caves and the surrounding landscape
leave you feeling in awe of mother nature.
only 10mins by car. Or a 2 hour hike.

The Rabaçal Valley south of Coimbra, is a nature lovers paradise.
The Caminho de Santiago de Compostela, and the Caminho Fatima follows the ancient paths of the valley floor,
meandering through quiet vineyards and olive groves.
During spring and early summer, the whole area is in bloom with a dizzying array of flowers and plants.
You will see soaring birds of prey, song birds, wild boar (evenings), Deer, lizards, snakes, fireflies and much more.
Accessible directly on foot. A multitude of gravel tracks which are accessible to the public provide a wide area in which to wander, in the abundance of nature.